Chapter#2 New Member Tests, Acceptance, and policies.
New Member Policy and rules!
We love new members, but
they need to be ready for the job before we allow them to enter the WSN. We want only
certain people to join the WSN. They must be the best of the best, the most elite spy's in
the world. So we have created a series of tests that all new members to be must go
through. Here is a list of the testing the person must complete with no trouble and what
qualities they must have. ![radioatv.wmf (6904 bytes)](radioatv.jpg)
Note-Remember that each test
must be monitored and recorded by a LA(Lieutenant Agent) or higher to be acceptable. The
NewOne must successfully complete three tests to become a new member. Please click here to go to a page that contains Test Recording Forms that
you can print out. These are the official forms and you must use only these forms when
recording data on a test. There are three different forms, one for each test!! Now Here is
the list!![WB01637_.gif (294 bytes)](WB01637_.gif)
Test#1-Basic Skills-
Summary:This is a test that will tell us if the NewOne is even ready for the WSN. It
is an easy test, but the NewOne must know basic spying skills.
Objectives: The NewOne must be able to sneak up on a house without being seen or heard, be
able to use basic spy instruments (Cameras, Smoke bombs, cap gun and technique, and the
"stalking" technique), and be able to plant and setup (with your help on the
setup!!)a mini-cam, and get out of the area safely. This is very easy and the NewOne must
have NO FLAWS!!
Materials: 1 Mini-cam, 1 sack, 2 suits of camo, and the normal things.
Procedure:Dress yourself and the NewOne in camo and show the NewOne how we pack our sacks.
Put in the needed materials (Listed above) into the sack and head off. Have a map of the
site and see if the NewOne can navigate his way to the selected point with the map. NO GPS
UNITS!! If you have not been heard then proceed. Have the NewOne make a hole and plant the
min-cam without making noise. Then you can help him hook up the mini-cam to our mini-cam
LAN(Local Area Network! You should know how to do that!!) Once that is complete, tell the
NewOne that he must create a diversion via cap gun, prime and throw a smoke protection
bomb on the porch of the house or anywhere people go, and get behind the bushes safely. If
the NewOne is seen or heard during this process, use the proper procedure of escape and
get the NewOne to safety. If at anytime they do something wrong, please abort the mission
and deny them of further testing. If the NewOne is lucky enough to get past this stage,
they must successfully execute an escape. Show them the planned escape route on the map
and then have them point out to you where they will place the timed smoke bombs. You must
approve the plan and then observe the NewOne while he is placing the explosives. Once you
are all set, take out the detonator and pack up your bags. Ask the NewOne if he is ready
and then have him push the detonator. Once the first timed bomb goes off, tell the NewOne
to navigate his way through the planned escape route and back to the WSN Area. If they go
the wrong way at any time, correct them. They can mess up ONCE on the directions then
after that show them the way back and then tell them the bad news. Once you make is safely
back to the WSN Base the test is over. If the NewOne has passed the test with flying
colors and no flaws then they are ready to go on to test #2 and they have moved up a rank
to Newby! If they fail, thank them for their interest and move on down the list. Make sure
you record all the info about the test while they are doing it!!
Test #2-Advanced Skills
(Must have passed Test#1 to move on to this test!)![barrier.wmf (3008 bytes)](barrier.jpg)
Before the Newby takes this test, they must go though some basic
training so they are ready for the test and if they pass this test they must go through
more training before test #3!! Here is Test #2!![TN00051A.gif (1724 bytes)](TN00051A.gif)
Test #2-Advanced Skills
Summary: This test will prove if the Newby can handle situations under fire and under
pressure. They must be able to be quick, but accurate!
Objectives: The NewBy must be able to use our hacking equipment and must be able to use a
notebook computer. They must be fast at their work and they must know how to use our
advanced devices and gadgets. They must be able to shutdown security measures and
penetrate the area. They must also have mastered all the skills in Test #1.
Materials: Sacks with packed clothing (camo), Notebook PC with our hacking programs
installed. All the materials listed in Test #1, Door Decoder, access keycards, and
satellite tapings and navigational materials!
Procedure: Pack your bags and go to the selected building. Have the NewBy Hack into the
security system and disable it. Then you and the NewBy must enter the building. Use the
fake security card to access the door access program. The program will probably deny you
access so the Newby will have to rewire the access box. If the Newby successfully rewires
the access panel and gets the door open then proceed. Once you are inside take the
elevator to go to the main computing room. There will be a siphon lock and you don't have
time to pick it. Tell the Newby to find a way to open the door. The Newby must take out
the door decoder, place it in the correct area in the siphon lock, and successfully decode
the door. Open the door and go to the Network Administrator's computer station. Have the
Newby hack into the computer and destroy the network. Make sure all the networked
computers are disconnected before you shut down the computer! Then you and the Newby must
execute a perfect, flawless escape. Go out of the room and go to the nearest window. Have
the Newby break the window open and you must use your bungee gear to escape. Make sure the
Newbydoes everything correctly!! If you both get out unheard and unseen, you and the Newby
must plant the hydro-544bomb and get back to WSN HQ! Select a spot near the foundation of
the building. Dig a hole and place the bomb inside. Rig the bomb for five minute destruct
time. Cover the bomb back with dirt and run! While running tell the Newby to Activate the
bomb with his detonator! If he successfully activates the bomb, he has completed Test #2!
If the bomb does not go off in five minutes, or the Newby could not activate the bomb,
they have failed and send them home! Now the Newby has moved up a rank to Recruit. Now
they must go through training course #2 and then they must take test #3!! |