Welcome to the WSN. The WSN is an organization that is run by two people. Dragon, the
President and CEO and Dmitri, the Vice President. We take care of security problems and
monitor suspects. We only take the best of spy's. You must past an initiation test before
entering the WSN. If you are interested in joining and think you have what it takes to
become a spy, then please click here to send me an
e-mail telling me: your full name, address, phone number, background info, spy
history/experience, three reasons why we should pick you, and three reasons why you feel
you should be a member and what you could contribute to the WSN. If you wish to see a copy
of our monthly newsletter, please indicate that in your e-mail!! We are always looking for
new members!!
Thanks and good luck
-Dragon CEO, SA (Please expect replies in about 3-5 days from when you sent you e-mail.
Please consider that we do have a lot of work to do!!) |